Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Wild By Jon Krakauer - 1426 Words

Identity is something that all human beings search for throughout their lives. Who a person is, defines not only who they are but what their life will be like. When a person knows who they are it can give them a sense of power and confidence. Although, sometimes the components of a person’s identity can amount to a less than desirable being. Within the narratives of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, â€Å"Survivor Type† by Stephen King, and â€Å"To Build A Fire† by Jack London the identities of each protagonist are evident in several ways. Into the Wild is a true story that follows the adult life of Christopher McCandless including personal accounts from his friends and family as he hitchhiked in the United States until his eventual demise in the Alaskan wilderness. â€Å"Survivor Type† is a short story following a drug-dealing surgeon named Richard Pine as he is stranded alone on a small island and must resort to cannibalism to survive. â€Å"To Build A Fi re† is also a short story that tells of another man’s journey on the Yukon trail through negative seventy-five degree weather, alone. Through their actions, values, and beliefs each man’s identity is thoroughly unraveled within their narratives. The most obvious way that a person’s identity can be understood is through that individual’s actions. For instance, Christopher McCandless continued to push himself away from society and those closest to him and eventually made his way to his ultimate destination-the Alaskan Wilderness-where heShow MoreRelatedInto the Wild by Jon Krakauer563 Words   |  2 PagesJon Krakauer presents Into The Wild a tragic tale of a young ambitious man who is motivated to go into the wilderness and discover his true identity.Jon krakauer conveys many messages to his readers through Chris McCandless, and his messages often offer a warning to society.we will furture idenitfy how the author delievers the warning to society and what effect it can have upon society today.Three of the very important messages he empatizes on are the societies influence on people,the essence ofRead MoreThe Wild By Jon Krakauer1096 Words   |  5 PagesAllyssa Mikes July 2012 Into the Wild Mr. Fertmann Throughout the non-fictional novel Into the Wild, the author Jon Krakauer catches the reader’s interest early on in the book. Krakauer takes us on a journey, telling the story of young Chris McCandless’ adventures after abandoning everything he owned. Krakauer fully emerged himself into the study of McCandless’ life’s adventures and soon developed a deep understanding of who he was and how he impacted to world. Krakauer connected with McCandless in anRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer946 Words   |  4 Pagescompelling novel â€Å"Into The Wild† by Jon Krakauer the character and intelligence of the youth in men is questioned. Through the pieced together 200 page novel we are introduced to Christopher Johnson McCandless also known as â€Å"Alex Supertramp†. A ripe 24 years of age he chose to question our reality and his meaning of life that is given to us by hitchhiking across America to the Alaskan wilderness, where after four months in the last frontier he is found dead. Krakauer throughout the novel shows thatRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1330 Words   |  6 Pagesshared.† - Jon Krakauer Into the wild. Jon Krakauer, the author of Into the Wild told the story of Chris McCandless. Chris escaped reality and went to go live off the land in Alaska, hoping to live a simpler life. In the novel, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless shared a similar philosophy with Jack London, as they both have a strong passion for Alaska, they both appreciated they beauty of nature, and both wanted to be reborn. In the novel, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandlessRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1349 Words   |  6 PagesSummary Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a true story about Chris McCandless who is found dead in the Alaskan wild during September 1992. After discovering that his father had a secret secondary family when Chris was young, Chris pushes away his friends and family and eventually isolates himself. He obtains $25,000 from his parents by lying about attending law school and drives away from home, deserting his real name. He later leaves his car in Georgia after an engine breakdown due to rain damageRead MoreThe Wild By Jon Krakauer1522 Words   |  7 Pagesvictories.† (Richard M. Nixon). In his investigative biography, Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer, expresses that even though young people can be ignorant and take treacherous risks, these can be used as knowledge enhancers and can be life changers. Krakauer gives us insight by giving examples of what risk really are, how people take them, and how it actually affects those people. Throughout the whole book there are instances where krakauer uses real life examples of things that have happened where people haveRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pages Jon Krakauer s novel â€Å"Into the wild†, Is a story about a young man named Christopher McCandless or â€Å"Alex Supertramp† who went on a self discovering odyssey in which he had traveled around the U.S. The story surrounds Chris and his travels and what he had done at the time, leading to his death in August 1992. Thus the story takes a direction in the viewpoints of the people Alex has come across through in his travels. It speaks about what he had done at the time of his journey before he hadRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1013 Words   |  5 Pages Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, narrates the life of adventurer and free spirit Christopher McCandless, who died August 1992 in the Alaskan wilderness; however, his journey still remains relevant in today’s pop culture due to the unresolved controversy of whether he is a saintly role model or hubristic fool. Krakauer openly states that he â€Å"won’t claim to be an impartial biographer† (Author’s Note) due to the parallels he struck with McCandless, and provides a more idealistic approach to the biographyRead MoreInto the Wild by Jon Krakauer1516 Words   |  7 PagesRosselini, John Waterman and Carl McCunn. They all went to Alaska, just like Chris and died. After that Chris continued to canoe and got caught by the US officers when he was trying to get back into the US from Mexico. So he spent a night in jail. Krakauer then compared Chris to Everett Reuss. They both changed their names and they both disappeared. Chris applied for an ID as Alex Supertramp and found a job in Los Angeles. New York Times published about Alex’s death. Jim Gallien and Wayne WesterbergRead MoreInto the Wild: by Jon Krakauer1186 Words   |  5 Pagessense Krakauers natural liking for McCandless. He was sympathetic to McCandless, based on Krakauers sense of a shared experience in their youth and up until McCandless eventual death and Krakauers perceived near death experience on the Devils Thumb. I believe the author’s main point and perspective was formed from his own experience and relationship with his father. While the situations were basically reversed with Chris not approving of his father and Lewis Krakauer disappointed in Jon for not

Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Career As A Teacher - 924 Words

Like most students, I have changed my mind several times about which career to pursue. As a young child I imagined becoming a teacher. I loved helping others learn and discovering new ways to explain ideas. As a teenager I hoped to become a scientist so I could interpret new phenomena through research. The summer before my freshman year of college I bought an old psychology textbook at a bargain bookstore and knew I wanted to be a psychologist after reading the first chapter. My first semester I signed up for Psychology 101 and I’ve never looked back. During college I took a number of psychology classes, and with each class, my love for the subject grew. In my junior year at LSU I took Honors Research Methodologies and was introduced to school psychology. As I learned more about the field I realized this was the only career for me. I could combine all the careers I had considered throughout my life and consolidate them into one ideal profession. I could work towards better education like a teacher, conduct research like a scientist, and I could do it all through the lens of my favorite subject: psychology. I have chosen to apply to LSUS’s Specialist in School Psychology program because I believe my coursework, work experience, research interests, and career goals have all combined to uniquely prepare me for this program. Throughout my college career I have taken a number of courses that have challenged and motivated me. In Honors Research Methodologies I learnedShow MoreRelatedMy Career As A Teacher979 Words   |  4 Pagesvehemently drawn towards a career as a teacher. As we get older, we tend to change our career aspirations from what we dreamed of as a child. For me, the career of choice and indeed my passion continues to be teaching. I have always enjoyed being around children and especially younger ones. Combining my passion for teaching and enjoyment of the company of younger children leads me to the belief that I should be an elementary school teacher. â€Å"An elementary school teacher is a person trained to educateRead MoreMy Career As A Teacher1452 Words   |   6 Pagesyour passion, and make it your career and you will never work a day in your life.† This never rang true to me until I became a teacher. Five years ago I worked as a manager in the financial aid department at a local technical school. Prior to that job I spent 17 years in the business industry in various leadership roles. However, it was not until I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and someone encouraged me to pursue my dream of teaching that my world became complete. TheRead MoreMy Career As A Teacher898 Words   |  4 Pagestools necessary for taking responsibility of their own learning. I began my career as a teacher at Aptos Academy, a private K-8 school in Aptos, California, where I taught fourth and second grade. While working at the Aptos Academy, I attended California State University Monterey Bay, where I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies and completed a Multiple Subject Preparation Program. Following this, I received my Masters of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction through the UniversityRead MoreMy Career As A Teacher1061 Words   |  5 Pagesdeveloped as a professional and who was a primary mentor in my life. It delves briefly into my past and explains how I came to be in the military, while also explaining how a certain person was able to contribute to my professional growth. This paper examines my life as I progress from high school student to a NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) and a few of the challenges I had to endure. Developing a Professional What does being a mentor mean? In my opinion, it means teaching, guiding, and letting a personRead MoreMy Career Path For A Teacher Essay1211 Words   |  5 Pagesgoals of how they want to approach the right career path for them. They also have many different careers to choose from, they just have to find the right career for them. I however have not made up my mind. Right now I am working on obtaining a degree in Early Childhood Education. I haven’t decided whether I want to teach the younger kids or if I want to teach the older ones. After years of developing a passion of teaching, I’ve decided to take on the career of teaching. There are many degrees thatRead MoreMy Goals Of A Career As A Teacher850 Words   |  4 Pagesgirl, I always played to be a teacher, but I never thought that one day being a teacher was going to be my goal. Now, I do not see myself with a different career other than working as a teacher. I like to help people with whatever I can, and I knew that I wanted a career where I can contribute to the community. However, I was not sure what kind of career was ideal for me. During my high school years, I debated between different professions, but thanks to some great teachers that I had, I was able toRead MoreMy Career Path For A Teacher967 Words   |  4 PagesOn October 21, 2015 my cooperating teacher mocked me in front of my class. You see I was the student teacher in a second grade classroom at Charles Olbon Elementary School. After class I went home, locked myself in my bedroom and I started pondering my future and my career path. I thought I would not be a good teacher, why did I choose this career path? I choose this path because my friends and family saw me a teacher, but I guess they do not know the real me. In 2003 at the age of ten yearsRead MoreMy Choice Of Career As A Teacher1372 Words   |  6 PagesProject My choice of career is unique because it’s not just one career but four careers. Now those four careers are teaching, writing, cinematography, and politics. From those four choices I choose teaching. I think it works for me because I’m accountable, caring, innovative, and trustworthy I think those are some of the characteristics of a great teacher. A big question is â€Å"what I think about being a teacher†. Well I have a lot of assumptions both big and small about being a teacher. My main andRead MoreMy Career as a Teacher Essay1254 Words   |  6 Pages As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire. In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students, many different factorsRead MoreMy Future Career As A Teacher Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pagesbeneficial to my future career as a teacher. I was able to see different strategies or techniques that teachers use in their classroom. This helped me determine strategies that I would want to apply in my future classroom. I was also able to observe strategies that did not work at all. The observations also made it clearer why differentiation in the classroom is important. Out of all the teachers I observed, there was only one teacher who seemed to differentiate instruction. The English teacher I observed

Friday, December 13, 2019

Eilis character notes Free Essays

Ellis â€Å"never made mistakes when she did her addition† ; Devout Catholic – she attended mass every Sunday in Insincerity ;Ellis immigrating to America was entirely Rose’s initiative -as Rose and her mother collude with Father Flood, Ellis feels â€Å"like a child† whose fate is being decided for her. ; Ellis is, by nature, reserved and emotionally guarded. She is selective in her relationships and shies away from physical intimacy. We will write a custom essay sample on Eilis character notes or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is not easy for her to express her true feelings, even those closest to her. This particularly evident in her relationship with Tony†¦.. ;When Ellis does not have the confidences to act on her instincts, she makes mistakes. The foremost is her impulsive marriage to Tony, but her resentment to Jim Farrell is another. ; Throughout the text, her actions are generally informed by the twin values of connection to family and a clearly defined sense of duty. ; Her generosity is constant, and Tony calls her a â€Å"good person†. Yet the internal conflict generated by her return home causes her to lie by omission and to behave with great cruelty towards the unsuspecting Jim. ; Approximately twenty years old Young women from Insincerity Immigrates to America for work Works in Barstool’s department store in Brooklyn Studies bookkeeping; ; During the course of the novel she becomes romantically involved with Tony Fiercely and Jim Farrell. ; She matures over the course of th e novel, â€Å"you seem more grown up and serious. And in your American clothes you look different. You have an air about you† (Nancy, p. 230) ; Her independence and resilience are revealed gradually. She has to exercise her Judgment and make critical choices with little guidance or support. Her initial naivety is balanced by natural curiously and a determination to learn. ; She takes the opportunities provided to educate herself, and as the word opens up before her, embraces new ideas with less diffidence than before. Living in New York encourages assertiveness, and Ellis becomes more inclined to trust herself. At work, she learns to be â€Å"brave and decisive†. ; Returning to Insincerity, Ellis slips back into the rhythm of the town easily and finds comfort in its familiar faces and rituals. Yet the changes produced by her experiences in America are obvious to all, â€Å"Everything about you is different†, her friend Nancy insist: â€Å"you seem more grown up and serious. And in our American clothes you look different. You have an air about you. † ;Her poise and self-assurance intimidated her mother, however attracted Jim Farrell. How to cite Eilis character notes, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mark Twain Analysis Essay Example For Students

Mark Twain Analysis Essay Mark TwainIn his famed novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain writes a classic American adventure story, complete with moral dilemmas, the theme of an individual against society, and the proverbial journey into maturity.However, the focus of his book is not on the adventure itself, but rather on the pseudo father-son relationship that springs up between Jim and Huck during their pilgrimage down the Mississippi.Huck, an uncivilized, pragmatic child, has had little if any controlling influence in his life.His father Pap is an abusive alcoholic who kidnaps him in the beginning of the novel, setting the scene for his disappearance and the ensuing journey.Huck meets Jim, an escaped slave, and accepts him as a companion, as they are both running for their freedom.However, Huck still sees Jim as a slave, a piece of property, rather than a human.This changes as the two journey down the Mississippi River, becoming dependent on each other, one filling both a practical !and emoti onal need of the other.This bond begins to fade from view as the book strays from Huck and Jim with the introduction of the Duke and the Dauphin, and gets progressively further from view towards the end of the book.Eventually, When Twain re-introduces Tom in the end of the novel, he removes Huck and Jims relationship as the focus of the book and thereby dilutes his message. Another way that this book is obviously a classic is how the people in it and their troubles are open to the readers. Huck himself seems to have his share of problems. In the beginning of this book, he is living with two older ladies, he doesnt enjoy that, and the reader becomes well aware of that. One of the other problems that he has is with his father. His father is just using him for the money that he has and beats him regularly, and then kidnaps him, just for spite, not because he loves him, and one of the other problems that he has is trying to free Jim and to do what he feels is right. Jim has his own share of problems, and they are also open to the reader, because that is what the book is mostly about, freeing Jim and all the situations that take place during that. In this book, most of the characters problems are open to the reader, because without them, the book would have very little twists and turns of plot. A way that this book shows that it is a classic is that the work is original. This is very true. Mark Twain has his own writing style. It is unlike any other. Twain is a good storyteller, and appears to enjoy that. His storytelling style is different from others in that he attacks difficult issues through his stories. He writes about slavery and freedom from a neutral vantage point. Most of the other writers of his day and age wouldnt dare to discuss touchy topics like that, yet Twain chose to do that, and he did it well. It isnt a wonder that the book was banned. It would have been banned because when there is a topic like that, some people think that if they ignore it, it will go away, and not become an issue. Mark Twain was brave by writing about it. This book shows a wide range of knowledge, which is also a requirement for a classic. In order for Mark Twain to write this, he need to be able to see life from all viewpoints. He did this well. He showed life from black and white, Jim as opposed to Huck. He showed life from old and young, the old women that Huck lived with and then there is the young gang of murderers and robbers. He shows it from the rich and from the poor, Mrs. Judith Loftus versus the other Negroes mentioned in the book. It shows the relatively untroubled and the people with a whole bundle of problems, Mrs. Judith Loftus who is completely unlike the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons against the Sawyers. One of the final ways in which this book is a classic is that the reader can apply the events from the story to their own life. The Chivarlric Code Of Le Morte D Arthur Essay Obviously not all of the things that happened in this book apply today, or are even possible to happen today, but most of the ideas and morals apply in this age. The idea to need to stick a friend will always apply, no matter who it is and what the cost, the reader learns through Jim and Hucks experiences that there is nothing more important than a friendship. Another lesson learned is to always be truthful. Throughout the story, people are always doing underhanded things and lying to get what they want, but a lot of problems and hurt may have been avoided had people told the truth. Honesty is always the best policy and the reader should learn from Hucks mistakes as they watch him interact with different people and listen in on various conversations. Thus said, this book shouldnt be banned from any area, because this book teaches you things. It addresses difficult issues well, and in a non-offensive manner. Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful book that contains a bit of sadness, and seriousness mixed in with a lot of humor. Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain is most defiantly an American classic.